Sarah Rolles Photography

Moroccan Elopement

Today I offer my unconditional love.

I promise to encourage you, inspire you, and laugh with you.

To support you in good times and in bad, to comfort you in times of sickness and sorrow.

I promise to listen to your ideas, your plans, and your concerns.

I will face challenges with you and I will never give up on us, or on you. I will always believe in you.

I promise to love you, to respect and honour you, and to cherish the life we will build together.

I am ready to start our adventure.

Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement
Sarah Rolles Photography - Morocan Elopement

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